Sugar has been cultivated in tropical climates in the Far East since ancient times. The discovery of sugarcane is thought to have originated in New Guinea. Honey was commonly used for a sweetner, until sugar plantations were introduced in the 18th century to the states. The method to create sugar by pressing out the juice and boiling it into crystals was created in Inida about 500BC. Sugar production and trade has changed the course of human history in many ways. It influenced the formation of colonies, the perpetuation of slavery, the transition to indentured labor, the migration of peoples, wars between 19th century sugar trade controlling nations and the ethnic composition and political structure of the new world.
Given the excess of sugar usage and abuse which has caused a wide range of health problems, there have been many substitutes and other forms of sweetners out on the market. Unfotunately, many of these are unnatural and even more harmful to the body than your pure sugar. There are many natural sweetners that are less harmful and have wonderful flavors and tastes to be used as a simple sweetner in your drink or on top of yogurt or other desserts, they can also be baked with and have much less harmful effect to our bodies.